Friday, February 1, 2008

Where Does Your Art Explode?

I've always had a problem with "containing" my creativity. I don't mean "containing" it deep within my soul or heart or brain, or like your mother means it when she says, "Please contain yourself!". No, I mean that when that creative urge strikes, it might strike in the kitchen, the living room floor, the closet- you just never know. It's never a convenient place, or time (like when other people are trying to walk), and it is very likely that that creative urge will die down long before the brilliant idea has been fulfilled. This situation often leads to that artistic explosion living on until the next creative urge strikes, thus creating yet another artistic village of crafting supplies somewhere in the house. Take for example- my desk. As you read this, I am elbow deep in colored pencils. "Why not put them away?" you ask. But I'm not done drawing!!! "Well, finish drawing then." you say.

I will... when I'm ready. And I happen to not be ready.


A Keeper's Jackpot said...

I'm not brave enough to post a picture of my mess :)

It started off as a craft table, I don't know what it is now!

emilayusof said...

So true...even in the lavatory! Hehe

TallGiraffe said...

I can relate so well! Our kitchen table never sees plates of food. It does however serve as a place to solder, cut, glue, drill, etc. Most of my sewing stays in the sewing room except when I have to cut large pieces and there's not enough floor space because another project is already on the floor in there.

Jaime said...

Oh my gosh! I know EXACTLY what you mean. Ironically, today I decided my "work" room was such a mess that I couldn't do anything, so I just spent 4 hours organizing. I don't think I'll ever be brave enough to post a picture of my mess!

mosey handmade said...

omg- i am the very same way- explosions of mess!

Colourspace said...

I'm in your club too!!! I wish I had a studio so i could lock the door and contain it all...but even then i'm sure some of it would come creeping in! Some days it looks like i've been burgled!

Freckled Pink said...

Hahaha my crafting room is clean for the time being, but it won't last long!

RowleyBaby said...

I know exactly what you mean! I have fabric EVERYWHERE in my workspace.... and only *I* know where to find what I am looking for! :)

Anonymous said...

HA! I moved our dining room table out of the dining room into my sewing room! We never ate on it anyway! I have been known to wake up in the middle of the night and have something new on my mind, get up and go the sewing room and start experimenting. My hubby says I'm possessed! LOL

Rose-Segrest said...

Hilarious, I have all sorts of piles of things laying around that I dont want to put away becasue when the urge strikes i wont be able to find the, hebce the plastic bag filled with felt, and glue etc, the pasta roller thingy that is still in the box by the bed(polymer clay phase),right now I have shrinky dink paper everywhere becasue that is one of my currenst along, with sharpies galore,

great post,

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Only when company is coming do I take up my drop cloths and sample boards off the living room floor. Matt has learned to look under the recliner foot extension every time he lowers it just in case there is some paint or a board under there. One of my favorite sayings goes something like: If your house is too clean it means you're boring. Craft on!!!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

All over my kitchen!!!

Maria Doering said...

i'm similar.. but it turns into a bit of a burden, because inspiration doesn't like to stay with me when things are too messy, I get frustrated too easily. So unless I really organize everything once in a while the mess absolutely keeps me from doing things.

. c h o k l i t . said...

Ahhh! I find myself moving piles of supplies and works-in-progress from room to room... and dreaming of a workspace where I could simply leave everything OUT!

Jennifer Lommers said...

Oooh. I would hate for you to see mine! Add a few jars of paint brushes in water, paint tubes, a palette, scraps of paper and a couple old cups of coffee, and I think that would about do it!

Thanks for the pic!


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