This year, we decided to make our own stockings, so we borrowed a sewing machine, bought some fabric, drew out some wildly sketchy patterns, and went to town. ***Attention. We have never sewn before.*** Several days (and tears) later, we proudly produced these beauties. Not bad for not having a clue! I'm so pleased, I'm starting a sewing machine fund. Michael will eventually put red bells on his points (his is the orange and red stocking), but with it being so close to Christmas, they were a bit difficult to find. We hope wherever you are reading this that it is warm and merry no matter what you celebrate. Best wishes.
Those Stockin's are Rockin'. Great job guys, i would never had guessed you didn't sew on a regular basis. Can't wait to see were this leads.
Beautiful! Happy Happy to you as well :)
Cute stockings. I've been meaning to make some, for the last 15 years. I'm sure I'll get to it eventually.
Thanks for the post on my blog. I may be weird but I had the biggest laugh! Every word of it is truth.
You've never sewn before?! Those are amazing!
So cool. Did Santa bring you a sewing machine or what?
No sewing machine for Christmas :(
but I got a little bit of money to go toward one. I just have to decide which one!
Good luck with the sewing machine fund - those are too cool!
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