"modify" for IF
Eliza was one of my submissions to The Doodle Off V.3. She was originally drawn in dark blue ink, but this grid of four colors suits her better. I don't normally modify my art this way, but sometimes things just feel right.
It's been a beautiful summer. I never look forward to fall. Fall means winter isn't far behind. We've been slowly cleaning out the apartment, trying to find new homes for things we don't really need. I feel tied down when I'm surrounded by too much clutter. I'm thinking about attempting to organize some box swaps with friends in other states so we can exchange things that the other person may find useful. We've been doing this randomly for the past few years, but never planned. A yard sale is still in order, but how do you do that from an apartment?? It seems strange to me. Some vintage things will likely end up on Etsy. Selections from my letterpress collection will be in that group. Part of me hates to give them up, but I have so many! There is just this itchy feeling in the air telling me it's time for a change.